有吴珊卓都没让我感兴趣品产品久精国精产拍完整百科发现showrunner有Amanda Peet立马找来了前面挺有意思的结尾不行You know this show is too 学院风 when they literally use M79 by Vampire Weekend as theme song and end the season with Oxford Comma.
疯狂强调各色碧池的存在diss不化妆女孩ship阳光美丽BGvalue肤浅的无脑repentance like “啊对不起我一直这么婊让我好好重新来过...” 多一星给还算不错的节奏吧品产品久精国精产拍完整百科真的蛮浪费时间
Anton chose not to conform and his self sabotage personality is so destructive yet alluring..Thank god we have BJM and BRMC btw.. Dandy is cool but not “BJM” cool, though their early music was surprisingly fantastic. I think I’m just intuitively opposed to conformists.. Anyway just rock on, need to run through all BJM's works.